Strategic Planning

Every organization needs to plan its future, even in situations where change is a constant.

Strategic planning doesn’t just help an organization get to its optimal future. It also helps Boards and Leaders to:

  • Take an unvarnished look at the current state of affairs;

  • Asses the organizational health of the agency or program;

  • Assess relationships with internal and external stakeholders;

  • Build a shared understanding of the deeper purpose of the organization

  • Develop and set expectations for the behaviour of everyone associated with the organization, through the development of clear values

Below, you will find links to some of the plans we have developed in the past.

When completing the plan I create two versions:

  1. A comprehensive version that includes a detailed workplace, for the board’s use in monitoring progress towards its goals;

  2. A visual summary that agencies can put on their website or post in multiple languages so that clients and stakeholders can see the direction at a glance.

Strategic planning is the narrow end of our governance work. If your organization or company is dealing with a governance issue, reach out to me for a conversation at the link below.

Strategic Planning Engagements include:

Strategic planning for Community Agencies

  • Trout Lake Community Centre – 2015, 2019 (Sample attached)

  • Strathcona Community Centre Association - 2019

  • Hastings Community Centre Association - 2021 (Sample attached)

Strategic Planning for Specialized Organizations

  • Sata Centre For Conscious Living - 2023

    • Moved a group of physicians, phychiatrists and counsellors through a process to develop a new organization to provide meditation and psychedelic counselling for people with depression, insomnia and end of life.

Strategy and Organizational Development including Board Training

  • Agsafe Agricultural Association (AgSafe BC) - 2019-21

  • Board crisis intervention and strategy development, followed by:

    • Dissolution and Reincorporation including development of new bylaws and constitution

    • Rebranding as the agricultural sector’s capacity-building arm

    • Board recruitment strategy, board training, drafting Board Manual

Founding, Incorporation and Governance

  • Divisions of Family Practice 2009-2011

    • Developed expedited approach for incorporating 35 non-profits run by and for family physicians.

    • Planned the provincial infrastructure required to support the network of Divisions.

    • Developed policies, structure and delivered board training

  • Strathcona Health Society 1998-2001

    • Led community advocacy initiative, incorporation and business planning for a non-profit dental clinic that removes barriers to access for low-income children and families


Co-Designing Healthcare with First Nations