Our services.
Facilitation and Mediation
Achieving an important goal requires close attention to process.
I bridge differences, build skills for having difficult conversation and mediate disputes to identify a convergent path forward.
My credentials include:
Facilitating hundreds of meetings with non-profit, government and corporate clients;
Achieving and surpassing goals and creating the foundations of long-term collaboration;
Mediating disputes within organizations and with communities.
Community Engagement and Co-design
Effective involvement of stakeholders in your project is a key to sustainability and resilience.
Co-Design is a unique approach to solving problems, and it requires an ability to see the situation from many perspectives and navigating differences in social status, technical expertise and access to decision-makers.
I have led over 100 community engagement events across dozens of projects, leading to:
Millions of dollars of funding to implement consensus-based projects;
Provincial and Regional programs to improve conditions, address health issues and implement projects;
Improved local and regional health systems that improve patient access to care and work-life balance for providers..
Mindful Anti-Racism & Reconciliation
Companies that can build strong relationships with First Nations and address issues that lead to turnover of women and racialized groups will have a competitive advantage.
Out program is based in neuroscience and mindfulness to address the issues at their source
With this training program, you will be able to:
Recognize and dismantle systemic bias and align your values with the behaviour of your people;
Secure social license to operate through free, prior and informed consent;
Easier recruitment and retention, organizational culture of physical and emotional safety, and excellent community engagement.
Strategy and Good Governance
Governance and strategy are the foundation for success in community and business.
While the fundamentals of these are easy to understand, there are lots of ways I have seen organizations lose focus or get mired in conflict..
I facilitate strategic plans, train board members and coach team members so they can:
Become a stunning example of “industry best practices;“
Benefit from clearer decision-making;
Win over funders and investors with competence, risk management and innovation.