Wendy Bennett, MBA, CRSP

Executive Director

AgSafe Agriculture Association

AgSafe was stuck. Our Board of Directors was ineffective and out of touch with the industry it was intended to represent and to serve. One of our Directors had been serving on the board for more than two decades and no longer was contributing to the sustainability of the organization.

Kyle developed and delivered a plan to work with the existing Board to self-recognize that they were not the correct group of individuals to propel the organization forward, but were in fact, holding us back. Through various discussions, he helped the Board identify what representation would best suit AgSafe and draft policies to fulfill this representation. He then worked with an interim group of Directors to develop actual policies and procedures to support the growing governance needs of AgSafe.

Kyle’s ability to ask provocative and insightful questions propelled the AgSafe board forward to being a representative and thoughtful group, asking good questions to arrive at sound decisions. His curiosity and willingness to listen to individual perspectives permits him to deliver meaningful and useful resources that will be part of our governance for many years to come.

In our complex health care system there have been several transformative provincial initiatives that resulted in unintended impacts that increased the challenges we have with medical staff recruitment and retention in Northern, rural and remote communities. 

We chose to work with Kyle because of our past experiences and exposure to his work in other projects, that instilled confidence that he would be able to deliver exceptional outcomes once more. I appreciate the curious and inquisitive nature in which he engages with clients and the methodical approach in analyzing and assessing problems, his proven ability to meet tight time constraints and produce high quality results.

His work exceeded expectations, and also helped us to advocate effectively and help influence government in creating stabilization supports for rural communities. 

Kyle’s specific insights included deep knowledge and understanding of BC’s healthcare system and how to expertly engage with clients to enable them to share their insights and creativity. His technical writing ability helps to concisely capture and clearly articulate issues and potential solutions.

Working with Kyle provides me with a sense of relief and hope. It is comforting to know  that I can trust him to do high quality work aligned with my organization’s expectations and it doesn't all fall on myself or my teams. His engagement has resulted in tangible results that include enhanced funding that has had immense benefit for the medical staff providers we support in our region. 

Jason Jaswal

Regional Director, Medical Affairs

Northern Health Authority

Our South Peace Division of Family Practice was required to develop and submit a funding proposal to enhance a primary health care system serving 50,000 people across a large rural area. Our group approached Kyle because he had delivered exceptional work on a previous project.

Developing the proposal required skill sets that I and many of my medical colleagues did not possess. We knew what the end goal was, and we had three diverse committees (one for each of the major communities) but we lacked the skills to get us there.

Kyle set ambitious goals and timelines, and stuck to it all the way through. Kyle welcomed our desire to gather Indigenous input on the health care system and went out of his way to obtain this. And it was all done with a friendly, confidence-inspiring demeanour and reassuring self-assurance.

Kyle approached things in a remarkably disciplined and democratic fashion, working from the grassroots up, involving over 40 committee members and numerous other partners. The result was a plan that all stakeholders were satisfied with, as evidenced by the outstanding letters of support we received.

With his expertise, I could sleep well at night because I knew the project was in capable hands.

The added bonus is a set of collaborative, mutually respectful relationships we developed which will lead to enhanced health care outcomes for the South Peace region in future.

Dr Charles Helm

Family Physician

Chair, South Peace Primary Care Network

As board members for an organization working with youth at risk , we were looking for someone to help facilate and update to our strategy.  We were seeking someone from outside the group but familiar with the challenges and opportunities from the world in which we operate.

Kyle’s experience in working with non profits in building out strategies and his operational background working as an executive director in the sector, made him the right candidate.  His experience and knowledge provided us with an ability to see where we had gaps, and where we needed to spend time to become more focussed and effective as an organization.

The sessions Kyle planned and facilitated, created a structure for the board moving forward and a  reference point for discussions in future meetings if we felt as though the organization had veered off strategy. Kyle’s strengths include his facilitation approach, his ability to see the "holes" in our current state and his ability to manage conflict when differing opinions came up in discussions.

Working with Kyle allowed our Executive Director to keep things moving forward operationally, while keeping the board on task for moving the strategy forward.  The end result being we had a plan which aligned to our exponential growth and gave us direction for the future.

Roberta Nouari

former Board Chair, Dan’s Legacy

Kyle is one of the best listeners I have every worked with.  With his questions and openness he is able to put himself almost directly into the context I am describing and get a truly thorough understanding of what I am looking for.  He has a good understanding of the structure of healthcare in BC, but is not limited by what already exists.  He is interested in looking past the boundaries of our current situation and imagining what patients, doctors and administrators truly need to create a better primary care system.  He is prompt, professional and has a great sense of humour.


Dr. Rita McCracken, Family Physician,

Assistant Professor, Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine at The University of British Columbia

Our group of physicians in Dawson Creek have a heavy workload, and many were stuck when they needed someone to cover for their hospital shifts on weekends. This was becoming more difficult as the work load increased for everyone.

Kyle facilitated a meeting to develop solutions, after doing an in-depth review of the community and touching base with all of our physicians. His advance process helped prepare us generate and agree on solutions when he came to facilitate the meeting with the physicians. He enabled us to reach a consensus approach to ensure adequate coverage for the patients at the hospital so that the physicians got much-needed respite during the weekends.

Kyle worked with the various stakeholders in the hospital and became “midwife” for a solution that was of tremendous help to me as the physician responsible for overseeing physicians working in the hospital and ensuring that patients have uninterrupted access to the services of a physician.

Kyle did an amazing job and the work he did continues to benefit the community. It has brought much relief and needed work-life balance for the physicians while ensuring that patients can still access the best care available within the community.

Dr Aderemi Oyedeji

Family Physician, Chief of Staff

Dawson Creek and District Hospital

It was my pleasure and privilege to work with Kyle and his team.

Kyle approached Vancouver’s A GP for Me engagement and planning phase with passion and energy but more importantly he was inclusive and sought feedback from everyone, whether it was someone in one of the engagements events or a member of our working group.

Above all, I found him to be very open, respected my input and cared at a personal level about how I was doing.  He led us to develop a strong vision and produced a body of work that will enable us to move forward.

Dr. James Lai

Family Physician Member of A GP for Me Leadership Committee

I gained a new understanding around how my nervous system and ego get in my own way as an activist as I work within dominant culture and that there are more effective ways that I can contribute to the movement once I re-regulate myself; compassion and inner knowing of self will aid in my effectiveness going forward.

I feel excited and prepared to integrate this exercise into real life situations going forward.

This course was historically and psychologically insightful. Kyle and Tiana held a safe container to explore growing edges for us.

Dana Stroud

Mount Hood Community College Board Member